
Central call recording systems integrated with the CUCM environment

Technological solutions used in the COMPREC system integrated with the Cisco IP telephony environment allow for the implementation of architecture taking into account restrictive security policies and the highest standards of system reliability. In COMPREC systems, the implementation of which assumes:

  • centralization of recording services from many distributed locations and multiple monitored IP lines,
  • ensuring the maximum level of security and reliability, 

we use the architecture based on operation in the HA cluster, utilizing load balancing mechanisms for dynamic recording from multiple monitored IP lines. The scalable, designed for a specific infrastructure central registration solution can be built based on physical devices or, alternatively, use the Client’s dedicated virtual resources. Implementation of the System in a virtual environment requires meeting the conditions necessary to apply the recording system architecture that is appropriate for the purposes of integration with CUCM and the expected functionality. On the software layer, the system consists of components with unique functionality, responsible for: recording, archiving, storing, analyzing calls, monitoring the work of users, devices and applications, and managing system components and privileges. Authorized users can playback the recordings not only via the Web or LAN, but also from Cisco IP phones.  

The system also enables recording and archiving data from GSM telephony. In versions designed and implemented in cooperation with the Client, the system can also be integrated, i.e. using voice biometrics and speech analysis tools. 

Scalability of the COMPREC system means not only the ability to choose the hardware and software components that match the existing infrastructural conditions or the scope of functional requirements, but also includes the implementation layer, in terms of design and application. As the only manufacturer of call recording systems we offer the possibility to integrate - as part of the COMPREC system - dedicated software components developed in response to the needs of a specific organization. The research, construction and programming teams we have at our disposal for the implementation of unique IT projects consist of experienced engineers, experts in the fields of VoIP, GSM, databases, information processing, speech analysis and voice biometrics. Depending on the assumptions and capabilities of the infrastructure, the system provides the recording quality that allows for the implementation of speech analysis tools such as: speech-to-text, keyword spotting, voice biometric.

The COMPREC software modules used for implementation of the infrastructure integrated with CUCM, developed by Spółka Inżynierów SIM Sp. z o.o., have been tested in the Cisco's laboratory and received a positive recommendation from this leading manufacturer of IP telephony system. They allow for multi-level cooperation between the telephony system and the recording system in order to achieve synergy that translates into functionality and comfort of work for IP telephony users and administrators. Systems based on integration with CUCM are widely used for the organization of the recording process in financial institutions, among others. Among other things, they reduce the risk of running the business, improve the quality of customer service and ensure the documentation of transactions in compliance with the conditions set out in the basic law, sector-specific ordinances and regulations, and European directives, including, among others,  MiFID. 

The implementation of the concept of central recording based on integration with CUCM allows not only to optimize investment costs, but also, through integration with systems using data transmission in the VoIP standard, to organize the customer service process itself in a more efficient way. The system can be delivered together with dedicated software that expands the capabilities of collecting and analysing data in terms of the quality of customer service provided by consultants or the provision of services by them, e.g. for several entities. With their use, the collected data and access to them is additionally secured in compliance with the requirements of auditors and external supervision organizations. 
